Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation
Angela Carter

Certified true copy service of business license

What is a copy of a business license?

A valid copy is a copy issued from the original book or a copy certified from the original by a competent authority or organization or from a national database in cases where the original information is stored in the national database on population, business registration, and investment.

What to do to certify true copy of a business license

For most companies, a business license must be issued by a locality (city, district), which will allow business owners to legally operate their business in neighboring geographical areas. Depending on the type of company’s activities, there will be different requirements for a state sales tax license, business license, or federal license. Most states will require that licenses be clearly displayed in an area for customers. In case the company has lost or misplaced its business license, the most important thing for that company is to have a copy.

Certified true copy service of business license

Where to get a notarized copy?

Where to get a notarized copy directly?

To get a notarized copy directly or to certify a copy compared to the original, the person who needs a copy must go to one of the locations listed in Article 5 of Decree 23/2015/ND-CP below to do so, specifically:
District-level Justice Department (district, county, town, city under the province): Certify copies from original documents, papers issued or certified by the following agencies: Of Vietnam, of foreign countries or of Vietnam in association with foreign countries.
Commune-level People’s Committee (commune, ward, town): Certify copies from original documents, and papers issued or certified by competent Vietnamese agencies.
Representative agencies (Diplomatic representative agencies, Consular representative agencies, and other agencies authorized to perform consular functions of Vietnam abroad): Certify copies from original documents and papers issued or certified by the following agencies: Of Vietnam, of foreign countries, or of Vietnam in association with foreign countries.
Notary public organizations (notary offices, notary offices): Certify copies from original documents and papers issued or certified by the following agencies: Of Vietnam, of foreign countries, or of Vietnam in association with foreign countries.
Note: People who need notarized copies can choose one of the above locations to perform notarization of copies compared to the original, the most convenient location for them.

Certified true copy service of business license

What documents need to be prepared for notarization?

Documents prepared for notarization are original legal documents and records. In particular, Article 22 of Decree 23/2015/ND-CP stipulates that the types of original documents that cannot be used for certification include:
Erased, corrected, added/removed content; damaged, worn out, or unidentifiable content.
With or without a confidential stamp but clearly stating that photocopies are not allowed.
With content that is against the law or social ethics; content that incites or propagates war, opposes the socialist regime of Vietnam; distorts the history of the Vietnamese people; insults the honor, dignity, and reputation of individuals and organizations, and violates civil rights.
Originals issued/notarized/certified by foreign agencies or organizations without consular legalization.
Created by individuals without confirmation and seal of competent agencies or organizations.
In addition, if the agency or organization performing the certification does not have favorable conditions for notarization, the requester may also have to prepare a photocopy in advance.